
Ezdrummer vs superior drummer reddit
Ezdrummer vs superior drummer reddit

Didn't discover that for a while, but when I did it was like a bell went off in my head with ideas.įor triggering, Superior is amazing. When I use loops I often vary them throughout the song to help add variety and some builds as a song progresses. Basically you choose your loop, then lay it out on the timeline in the plugin and you can vary the complexity or number of hits it will play on a per drum basis. If EZ has those as well, they can be helpful. I have not tried certain advanced features in the looping in EZDrummer, but there are some little things you can do to quickly make variations with existing loops in Superior Drummer. Both are similar in the tap to find and using with Drum Loops. I've gotten so I can get what I want quickly as I have save a couple of my most used kits and created simple multis in Studio One ao I can drag it in and start playing. A lot depends on how comfortable you are at mxing and adjusting a few items vs dead simple grab and go. Some prefer the simplicity of EZDrummer though. Both have lots of preset and premixed kits to get you going, as well as loops (with a gazillion aftermarket options in loops available.) It is capable of much better sounds overall if you really dig in. I prefer Superior Drummer because it is much more flexible and full featured as well as having higher resolution kits.

ezdrummer vs superior drummer reddit

Of course in a recording that's true as well.Click to expand.EZDrummer is easier and might be better for quick decent sounding kits. I use it in backing tracks so the drums sound like they're mixed better without being abrasive. Where I think it matters a lot is in live performance. And the good news is it comes for free just by adjusting the velocity of your MIDI note. This tends to be especially true in recordings in that the bleed gives all the various drum components more space in the mix and helps them stand out better with less volume. As listeners we don't really take note of it, but it does register with the brain and helps to fit the drums into the mix at less volume generally. A snare or a hi hat or any drum component has a different sound when hit lightly versus moderately, versus hard or hit in a different manner or position. The key for layering drums isn't so much about mixing or creating new drums as it is the natural response from velocity. I think people misunderstand what drum layering is all about and might be more interested in it if they understood. Click to expand.Yeah, I totally get where you're coming from.

Ezdrummer vs superior drummer reddit